Century of Lies Century of Lies, with 16 years on air, has more than 30 affiliate stations in the US and Canada. Running 29 minutes per episode, Century of Lies is currently produced by Doug McVay, editor of Drug War Facts.

Ray Manzarek of the Doors recounts their first rehearsal (high on weed), report from Australia on the benefits of hemp + NEWS that US HHS has a patent on marijuana

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Cele Castillo, former DEA agent, Iran-Contra whisteleblower & author of "Powderburns, Cocaine, Contras & the Drug War" + Terry Nelson Reports for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

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Bruce Mirken of Marijuana Policy Project discusses election day progress in the drug war, Adam Assenberg broadcaster, Poppygate Report with Glenn Greenway, Reports from Australia: ABC - "federal police commissioner Mick Keelty says Australia needs to find a better way than arresting drug users" + Nimbin Australia report on efforts to shut down hemp bar and museum

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Mikki Norris of Cannabis Consumers Campaign, Jeff Jones of Oaksterdam University & Glenn Greenway with the Poppygate Report

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Pledge Drive Special with Reports from the National Organizatiion for Reform of Marijuana Laws conference in Berkeley California with Steve Bloom, former High Times Editor and author of Pot Culture + Attorney James Anthony

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Judge James P. Gray, author of "Wearing the Robe, the Art and Responsibilities of Judging in Today's Courts", Dr. Norm Stamper, author of "Breaking Rank - A Top Cop's Expose" + Terry Nelson of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

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Susan Boyd, author "From Witches to Crack Moms" + Fritz Wenzel of Zogby on poll: :"76% of Americans see drug war as failure"

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Kurt Schmoke, former mayor of Baltimore, Deborah Peterson Small of BreakChains.org, Dr. Donald Vareen of NIDA + DTN Premiere of country version of Eternal War

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Jack Cole director of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition reports on recent trip to UK on behalf of LEAP

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NOTE: Produced in advance of Hurrican Ike, (in case I have no electricity): Judge Jerry Paradis of Canada is touring New Zealand on behalf of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

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