Mikki Norris of Cannabis Consumers Campaign, Jeff Jones of Oaksterdam University & Glenn Greenway with the Poppygate Report
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Lady Niedpath, Amanda Fielding, the Director of the Beckley Foundation in the UK regarding their recent Cannabis Commission report, their report on the relative dangers of drugs and a discussion on the legitimate use of LSD and MDMA for medical purposes + Terry Nelson reports for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
NORML & Pledge Drive Special: Keith Stoup, former Dir of NORML, Dale Geringer of CA NORML, Mason Tvert of SAFER, Los Marijuano's, Phil Jackson with Black Perspective on the Drug War & Winston Francis with the "Official Government Truth"
Pledge Drive Special with Reports from the National Organizatiion for Reform of Marijuana Laws conference in Berkeley California with Steve Bloom, former High Times Editor and author of Pot Culture + Attorney James Anthony
Martine Ehrenclou, M.A., author of Critical Conditions - The Essential Hospital Guide to Get Your Loved One Out Alive + Poppygate Comes Home from Glenn Greenway
Judge James P. Gray, author of "Wearing the Robe, the Art and Responsibilities of Judging in Today's Courts", Dr. Norm Stamper, author of "Breaking Rank - A Top Cop's Expose" + Terry Nelson of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Ryan King of Sentencing Project on voter disenfrancisement + Phil Jackson with black perspective on drug war & Terry Nelson's report for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Susan Boyd, author "From Witches to Crack Moms" + Fritz Wenzel of Zogby on poll: :"76% of Americans see drug war as failure"
David Bratzer, an active Victoria B.C. contstable and member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition + Poppygate with Glenn Greenway, LEAP report from Terry Nelson & CB premiere of the country version of Eternal War produced by Guy Schwartz