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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Carolina in Ft Worth was brutally atacked by a Ft Worth cop for holding a camera, asking a question. Her Attorney CJ Grisham joins DTN host Becker along with Joe Jaworski former mayor of Galveston and candidate for Texas Attorney General.

CJ Grisham
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Century of Lies

This week on Century of Lies: Progress In Vermont. The state of Vermont has approved legislation to allow municipalities to decide whether to authorize the establishment of overdose prevention centers, also known as supervised consumption facilities or safer consumption sites, overriding a veto by the state’s governor.

Vladimir Pozniak of World Health Systems Facts
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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Major Neill Franklin is a 34-year law enforcement veteran of the Maryland State Police and Baltimore Police Department. During his time on the force, he held the position of commander for the Education and Training Division and the Bureau of Drug and Criminal Enforcement.

Neill Franklin of Law Enforcement Action Partnership
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Century of Lies

This week on Century of Lies: Drug Checking Services and Synthetic Cathinones. We hear about drug checking services at festivals from Mar Cunha, a harm reductionist in Portugal who works with Kosmicare at their drug checking service; and we hear about cathinones from Steph Tzanetis, CanTEST Coordinator at Directions Health in Canberra, Australia.

Mar Cunha of Kosmicare
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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Clark Neily is senior vice president for legal studies at the Cato Institute. His areas of interest include constitutional law, overcriminalization, coercive plea bargaining, police accountability, and gun rights. 

Clark Neily of Cato Institute
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Century of Lies

This week on Century of Lies: European Drug Report 2024. The European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction released its 2024 European Drug Report on Tuesday June Eleventh.

Alexis Goosdeel EMCDDA Director of European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction
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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Randall Kallinen is a Gulf Coast attorney dedicated to protecting and advancing civil rights and liberties for all. For today's show we discuss police misconduct & attitudes.  Examination of perspectives, common reactions of law enforcement.  Police indifference to hand cuffed womans face in ant bed by same cops. 300 bites. plus

Randall Kallinen Attorney of Drug Truth Network
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Century of Lies

This week on Century of Lies: New Jersey Harm Reduction Conference Part One. On this edition of Century we hear from Dr. Sheila Vakharia, Deputy Director of the Department of Research and Academic Engagement at the Drug Policy Alliance and the author of The Harm Reduction Gap, speaking at the first annual New Jersey Harm Reduction Conference.

Dr. Sheila Vakharia of New Jersey Harm Reduction
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