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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Bruce K. Alexander, author of "The Globalization of Addiction, A Study in Poverty of The Spirit" + Law Enforcement Against Prohibition report from Terry Nelson & The Abolitionists Moment

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Century of Lies

Kris Krane, president of Students for Sensible Drug Policy discusses recent SSDP conference to celebrate their 10th anniversary + 7 years later, CIA found responsible for shooting missionary's plane from the sky + the Reagans just say "yes" to drugs

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Buford Terrel, retired professor of law & Brian Arthur owner of Mazatec Garden discuss the potential outlawing of "salvia" + Terry Nelson reports for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

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Century of Lies

Ray Manzarek of the Doors recounts their first rehearsal (high on weed), report from Australia on the benefits of hemp + NEWS that US HHS has a patent on marijuana

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Reverend Eddy Lepp faces 2 life sentences for growing marijuana for his church, Bruce Mirken discusses advances in marijuana laws on election day, Sanho Tree discusses Plan Colombia on BBC & Sam Califano of CASA spreads fear and loathing

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Century of Lies

Cele Castillo, former DEA agent, Iran-Contra whisteleblower & author of "Powderburns, Cocaine, Contras & the Drug War" + Terry Nelson Reports for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

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Century of Lies

Bruce Mirken of Marijuana Policy Project discusses election day progress in the drug war, Adam Assenberg broadcaster, Poppygate Report with Glenn Greenway, Reports from Australia: ABC - "federal police commissioner Mick Keelty says Australia needs to find a better way than arresting drug users" + Nimbin Australia report on efforts to shut down hemp bar and museum

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Drug Czar John Walters gives a speech at James A. Baker III Institute for Policy Studies at Rice University + Terry Nelson reports for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

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