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Century of Lies

Dr. Tom O'Connel tends more than 6,000 medical marijuana patients in California + Steve DeAngelo the Dir of Harborside Health Center in Oakland CA

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Martin A. Lee, co-author of Acid Dreams, The Complete Social History of LSD + Amanda Fielding/Lady Neidpath, Dir of Beckley Foundation in the UK

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Sanho Tree of the Institute for Policy Studies in DC, Adam Assenberg reports DEA theft of Social Security funds for running compassion club in Wash state

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Century of Lies

Russ Bellville of NORML re Denver Conf of 4/21, state marijuana efforts + Terry Nelson of LEAP and Mary Jane Borden with Drug War Facts

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Joseph Collum, author "The Black Dragon - Racial Profiling Exposed" + Terry Nelson of LEAP and Drug War Facts with Mary Jane Borden

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Century of Lies

Kevin Zeese of Voters For Peace, Prosperity Agenda, and Common Sense for Drug Policy re America's "Replacing the Rule of Force with the Rule of Law"

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Century of Lies

Norm Stamper, former Seattle police chief re Wash state effort to legalize weed, Charles Minn producer "8 Murders a Day" movie & NY Post columnist Benny Avni

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Dr. Stanton Peele, author of "Addiction Proof Your Child" + Ethan Nadelmann of Drug Policy Alliance re media stance to drug reform

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