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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Oaksterdam II - Founder Richard Lee, anonymous instructor, Keith Stevenson of Purple Heart Dispensary, Atty. James Anthony of LEAP, Atty. Robert Raich

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Century of Lies

Oaksterdam I - Richard Lee, founder of Oaksterdam University, Dale Geringer of California NORML, Roger LaChance of Medical Cannabis Safety Commission, Chris Conrad, publisher and Court Qualified Marijuana Expert, Atty. James Anthony, Atty. Robert Raich & Terry Nelson with LEAP report.

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Police Chief of Houston Texas, Harold Hurtt + Irma Rios the director of the Houston crime lab

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Century of Lies

Mike Gray, author of Drug Crazy & Chairman of Common Sense for Drug Policy + RN Ken Wolski reports on progress of marijuana law in New Jersey

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Dana Larsen of British Columbia re Canadian court rulings and marijuana dispensaries & Doug McVay with Drug War Facts + report on school administrators new hit: "Smell the Jacket"

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Century of Lies

John Delaney, a working Texas judge decries the drug war + Ethan Nadelmann of Drug Policy Alliance says "Just Say No To Kelloggs'" & retired USAF Lt. Col Russ Shaw calls for common sense in the drug war

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Former Sheriff Richard Mack now with Law Enforcement Against Prohibition & Philppe Lucas of Vancouver Island Compassion Society reports Canadians supreme court has once again declared marijuana laws unconstitutional + more regarding Michael Phelps from Radley Balco of Reason

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Century of Lies

Cliff Schaffer of re financial impact on waging the drug war & Radley Balko on Michael Phelps, Doug McVay with Drug War Facts, Phil Smith on cartel support of banks & Winston Francis with the Official Government Truth

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