Century of Lies Century of Lies, with 16 years on air, has more than 30 affiliate stations in the US and Canada. Running 29 minutes per episode, Century of Lies is currently produced by Doug McVay, editor of Drug War Facts.

This week on Century of Lies: Minnesota Approves Safe Consumption Sites. The state of Minnesota has adopted legislation allowing the establishment of safe consumption sites, becoming the second state in the US to do so. Meanwhile an effort to approve safe consumption sites in Connecticut has stalled.

Dita Bhargava , Kailin See
Dita Bhargava, Kailin See, World Health Systems Facts
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This week on Century of Lies: The Global Overdose Crisis. The Seventy-Sixth World Health Assembly was held recently in Geneva, Switzerland.

Christine Stegling
Christine Stegling, Seventy-Sixth World Health Assembly
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This week on Century of Lies: Harm Reduction On The Agenda In Maine. LD 1364, An Act to Prevent Opioid Overdose Deaths by Establishing Safe Consumption Sites, is making its way through the Maine legislature.

Courtney Gary-Allen , Church of safe injection
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 This week on Century of Lies: Drug Workers and Decolonization. Host Doug McVay is joined in conversation with Hilary Agro, an anthropology PhD student at the University of British Columbia and a researcher whose studies include drug policy, activism, and the harms of prohibition.

Hilary Agro
Hilary Agro
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This week on Century of Lies: Safer Opioid Supply. The final evaluation report on the Safer Opioid Supply Program at Parkdale Queen West Community Health Centre in Toronto, Ontario, has just been released.

Morgan Godvin
Kate Atkinson, Safer Opioid Supply
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This week on Century of Lies: Saving Lives in Rhode Island. The state of Rhode Island is about to open the first state-authorized legal overdose prevention sites in the United States, so to hear more about this historic effort, on this edition of Century we’re joined by Colleen Daley Ndoye, Executive Director of Project Weber/RENEW. Learn more about Project Weber/RENEW at WeberRenew.ORG.

Colleen Daley Ndoye
Colleen Daley Ndoye, Project Weber/RENEW
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This week on Century of Lies: Music, Drugs, and Harm Reduction. We hear from Dr. Jodie Grigg, a Research Associate at the National Drug Research Institute at Curtin University in Perth and coordinator of the Western Australia arm of the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System, on drug use at music festivals.

 Dr. Jodie Grigg
Dr. Jodie Grigg, National Drug Research Institute
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This week on Century of Lies: Working to Save Lives in Maine. More and more US states are looking toward expansion of harm reduction services. On this edition of Century we look at a bill working its way through the Maine Legislature that would allow communities to establish supervised consumption sites.

Laurie Osher , Courtney Gary
Laurie Osher, Drug Policy Facts
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This week on Century of Lies: New Washington Drug Laws Post-Blake. Drug possession laws in Washington state were invalidated in 2021 by a state supreme court decision in the case of State v Blake. The legislature moved quickly to put some laws back in place but the measures they enacted expire on July 1, 2023.

Lauren Davis
Lauren Davis
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This week on Century of Lies: Solidarity and Community Mobilization. We hear from Anton Basenko with the Ukrainian Network of People Who Use Drugs on the power of community mobilization in responding to the war in Ukraine, and from Magdalena Bartnik with the Precursor Foundation for Social Policy speaking on In solidarity we stand: supporting Ukrainian refugees in Poland.

Anton Basenko , Magdalena Bartnik
Anton Basenko, Ukrainian Network of People Who Use Drugs
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