Century of Lies Century of Lies, with 16 years on air, has more than 30 affiliate stations in the US and Canada. Running 29 minutes per episode, Century of Lies is currently produced by Doug McVay, editor of Drug War Facts.

Neill Franklin Dir of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, stories of Mexican ultra violence & of regaining control, Ethan Nadelmann Vs Kevin Sabet, marijuana for cancer & for consultants

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NY Times story on mass suicides of US veterans, Pres Jimmy Carter re legal marijuana, Tx cops conduct public/pubic search, Meth V MJ Master Debaters, Gun Ray Guns in NY, Terry Nelson of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, song: Legalize

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Michael Krawitz of Patients out of Time regard veteran's access to cannabis, report from British Med Assoc, Drug War death in Okla, Indiana Senator wants to decrim weed, Doug McVay with Drug War Facts, CNN report on MMJ, John Legend sings "The House I live In"

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Jodie Emery of Cannabis Culture, Baroness Meacher per BBC, Dan Savage, CNN re states rights on MJ & Doug McVay of Drug War Facts

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Cheryl Shuman, the "Martha Stewart of marijuana" + Simpson honey oil recipe, NBC honey oil warning, San Diego mayor end MMJ jihad, Aaron Sandusky sentence of 10 years & pot shop opens in DC

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Patrick Clark of WeGrow re 700 studies of med marijuana, Adam Assenberg innocent of grow in WA state, msg from DFW NORML

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2012 in review with Leonard Pitts, Michelle Alexander, Rev. Edwin Sanders, Dudley Althus, Jamie Hauss, Jodie Emery, Martin Lee and Dean Becker

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Caravan for Peace : from NY City - Pepe Rivera, Gabriel Sayegh of DPA and Daniel Gershenson

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Tony Newman of Drug Policy Alliance: Top stories of 2012, Terry Nelson of LEAP + Dallas Jessup of "Just Yell Fire"

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Philippe Lucas, Canadian cannbis researcher, Jodie Emery battles "Sun" reporter, CNN Rpt on MJ use by children, Terry Nelson of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

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