Drug Truth Network

The Drug Truth Network (DTN) is a media production organization dedicated to exposing the fraud, misdirection, and wastefulness of the “war on drugs.” We invite you to share DTN’s “unvarnished truth about the drug war,” through our innovative radio programming, including Century of Lies, Cultural Baggage and 4:20 Drug War News.  Dean Becker & Doug McVay produce nine radio programs per week for the Drug Truth Network (DTN).

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Cultural Baggage

10/15/24 Preaching to the EMCDDA

Dean Becker, DTN reporter was invited to Lisbon to speak to the administration of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs & Drug Abuse (E.M.C.D.D.A.) + DTN Editorial."To End The War On Drugs"

Audio file
Dean Becker Reverend Most High

Century of Lies

10/15/24 Respecting ...People Who Use Drugs

This week on Century of Lies: Respecting the Rights and Dignity of People Who Use Drugs. From 2020 until the arrests in 2023, the Drug User Liberation Front provided a safe supply of drugs to a small number of people who use drugs in that part of northern Abya Yala known colonially as Vancouver, BC. The drugs were sourced via the Dark Web, purity and potency tested with a mass spectrometer. DULF used a compassion club model, members were carefully screened, prices were kept low. No deaths resulted from the use of drugs obtained through DULF. Two of DULF’s organizers and public spokespeople, Eris Nyx and Jeremy Kalicum, were arrested in October 2023 and charged in May of 2024.

Audio file
Eris Nyx

Moral High Ground

10/15/24 DTN 23rd Anniversary

DTN takes a look back thru time:  2019 with Australian Dr. Alex Wodak, 2020 with Major Neill Franklin of LEAP & 2021 with DTN host Beckers speech at the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Abuse in Lisbon Portugal.

Audio file
Outside EMCDDA

Becker's Buds

Marshall Fogg retired from the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) and Department of Justice (DOJ) as a Chief with 32 years of federal service while obtaining the highest law enforcement awards from the USMS Director, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, the Federal Bar Association and others, for service above and beyond the call of duty. He was officially honored with a task force plaque displaying ‘Batman’ for his ‘Gotham City’ and super hero characterization while on 24 hour call supervising joint USMS/DEA/State & Municipal enforcement operations nationwide. During his tenure in the USMS he was a member of the Special Operations Group (SOG) aka, SWAT TEAM which, included extensive training in Major Court Security OPS, Scuba Dive Rescue Specialist, Paratrooper, Special Assault Weapons, HandTo-Hand Combat, Improvised Explosive Devices and Foreign Dignitary Protection for the United Nations, General Assembly.

4:20 Drug War News