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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Wendy Chapkis, co-author of "Dying To Get High - Marijuana as Medicine" + Terry Nelson of LEAP, Official Govt Truth w/ Winston Francis, Ernesto Aguilar reports from Denver and the DNC

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Century of Lies

Graham Boyd of the American Civil Liberties Union + Valerie Corral of Wo/Mens Alliance for Medical Marijuana

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Peter Moskos, professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, speaker for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, author of Cop in the Hood & recent US NEWS & World Report article: "Drugs are too dangerous not to regulate - We should legalize them" + Poppygate Report with Glenn Greenway, Terry Nelson with LEAP Report

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Century of Lies

Richard P. Burton, Director of Project Reach & former chair of NAACP Prisoner Rights committee + Doug McVay of Drug War Fact & Misha Glenny discusses drug war on Charlie Rose/PBS

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Philippe Lucas of the Vancouver Island Compassion Society discusses drug war tactics of US, Canada and the UN + Terry Nelson of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

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Century of Lies

American Bar Association panel on drugs featuring Judge Arthur Burnett of NAADPC, Jay Rorty of ACLU and Judge Lynn Sharard

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

American Bar Association panel on drug reform with Judge Arthur Burnett and former Drug Czar Lee Brown + Poppygate report from Glenn Greenway & Drug War Facts with Doug McVay

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Century of Lies

Marijuana: Threat or Menace? Featuring Congressmen Barney Frank & Ron Paul + Bruce Mirken of the Marijuana Policy Project, Terry Nelson of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition and an extract from a BBC report featuring author Misha Glenny

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