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Century of Lies

Zack DiLiberto author "Hemp", Fernando Grostein Andrade producer "Break the Taboo" movie + Mary Jane Borden with Drug War Facts

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Eapen Thampy, Dir Americans for Forfeiture Reform, artist Lindy author of "No Knock Raid" + Terry Nelson of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

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Century of Lies

40 Years of Drug War conference, featuring Vt. Gov Pete Shumlin, From DPA Ethan Nadelmann and Tony Papa + Sonia Sohn of "The Wire" + song "No Knock Raid" & Terry Nelson reports for LEAP

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

LEAP Conference on 40 years of drug war, with Neill Franklin, Director, Terry Nelson, Eric Sterling, Leigh Maddox + Drug War Facts w/Mary Jane Borden

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Peter Moskos, former Baltimore cop, author of "In Defense of Flogging" + Mary Jane Borden with Drug War Facts & Michelle Alexander, author "New Jim Crow"

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Century of Lies

Rice Professor William Martin a fellow at James A. Baker Institute & Jerry Epstein, Pres of Drug Policy Forum of Texas take "A New Look at the Drug War" at Democratic gathering + Terry Nelson of LEAP re 40 Anniv of Nixon's war

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Molly Molloy & Charles Bowden editors of "El Sicario - The Autobiography of a Mexican Assassin"

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Century of Lies

Global Commission on Drug Policy report w/ former Presidents Fernando Henrique Cardoso of Brazil, Cesar Gaviria of Colombia + former Gov of N. Mexico Gary Johnson

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