David Long, former investigator/now college Prof & member of LEAP + Kevin Zeese shadow cabinet Atty General + Bill Maher/David Letterman clip
Browse Programs by Month
Robert Raich Atty who took cannabis cases to US Supreme Court, Gavin Newsom Lt Gov of CA, CBS & Wash Post lean to cannabis solution, song "War on Drugs is a Failure"
Psychedelic Science 2013 X2 James Fademan author Pschedelic Explorers Guide, Maria Mangini nurse practitioner & Diana Slaterly psychonaut, Tom Kingsly Brown Univ Calif Sand Diego
Psychedelic Science Conference 2013: Brad Burge of MAPS, Charles Grob and the benefits of Ayahusaca for human maladies, Ben Sessa a researcher on psychedelics in the UK
Terry Nelson on the board of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, Doug McVay of Drug War Facts, Police Chief eats cannabis cake
Featuring Ôö£├ÂÔö£├ºÔö¼├║LucyÔö£├ÂÔö£├ºÔö£├┐ one of the fugitive reporters of Blog Del Narco who have written a new book: Ôö£├ÂÔö£├ºÔö¼├║Dying for the Truth Ôö£├ÂÔö£├ºÔö£Ôöñ Inside the Mexican Drug WarÔö£├ÂÔö£├ºÔö£├┐ + Richard Feldman of Natl Rifle Owners Assoc, Terry Nelson of LEAP, Doug McVay, Bill O'Reilly Vs DTN & Ben Jealous of NAACP
The drug war is melting: Stephen Gutwillig of Drug Policy Alliance, David Van Thournout of HempSaves.net & Phil Smith of Drug War Chronicle
Cathy and Robert Jordan busted for growing med MJ, charges dropped in Florida for "medical necessity" + Ethan Nadelmann of Drug Policy Alliance on CNN & Colbert Report on Florida attempt to outlaw bongs.