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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Six Guest, International Panel discussion on drug war failure. Featuring Chris Conrad and Mikki Norris authors of Shattered Lives, Chris Bennett, Canadian author, attorney/ activist, Lauren Mendelsohn as well as regular guest Phil Smith reporter for Stop the Drug War.

Lauren Mendelsohn, ,  of
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Century of Lies

This week on Century of Lies: Ukraine. At the recent European Harm Reduction Conference in Warsaw, Poland, a panel entitled "Harm Reduction in the War in Ukraine" explored innovative strategies developed to address the complex challenges posed by the war.

John Collins, Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime of Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime
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Century of Lies

This week on Century of Lies: The Charter of Rights. The Scottish Government has released a new Charter of Rights for People Affected by Substance Use. The Charter was developed by an independent commission called the National Collaborative, which started work back in 2022.

Jason Wallace, Scottish Drugs Forum of Scottish Drugs Forum
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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Major Neill Franklin is a 34-year law enforcement veteran of the Maryland State Police and Baltimore Police Department. During his time on the force, he held the position of commander for the Education and Training Division and the Bureau of Drug and Criminal Enforcement.  In this holiday edition we discuss the beginning of drug war, the racism and fascism that holds it all together.

Major Neill Franklin of Law Enforcement Action Partnership
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Century of Lies

This week on Century of Lies: Counterfeit Benzos. In the words of the executive producer of the Drug Truth Network, Dean Becker, Because of prohibition you don't know what's in that bag. That was true well before fentanyl came along. And these days, it's not only fentanyl, and it's not only the opioid market.

Shaleen Title
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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Dealing with drugs II - Cities and the international pursuit of sensible regulation. From Warsaw Poland. Steve Rolles of Transform & Neil Woods Dir of Law Enforcement Action Partnership U.K. Time for regulation and actual control.

Neil Woods of 6th European Harm Reduction Conference, Warsaw, 2024.
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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Plus reports from Warsaw for EHRC2024 and be part of shaping the future of harm reduction! Featuring Aleksander Kwaniewski former President of Poland, Alexis Goosdeel & Executive Director EU Drugs Agency & Hon. Lynn Ruane an independent Irish politician, who has served as a Senator and
deputy leader of the Civil Engagement Group. 

Hon. Lynn Ruane an independent Irish politician
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Century of Lies

Human Rights and Decolonization. The UNs Commission on Narcotic Drugs and Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice held joint meetings December 4 and 5. Topics being discussed included the WHO Expert Committees upcoming review of the coca plant. We hear from the delegates from Bolivia, Colombia, and Mexico.

Ann Fordham, Executive Director of the International Drug Policy Consortium of Executive Director of the International Drug Policy Consortium
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Century of Lies

This week on Century of Lies: Social Responses for Women Who Use Drugs. The European Union Drugs Agency in collaboration with the Cooperation Programme between Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union on drug policies recently held a webinar entitled Health and social responses for women who use drugs — perspectives from Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe.

Linda Montanari of European Union Drugs Agency
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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Dr. Khalid Tinasti, Executive Director of the Global Commission on Drug Policy joins DTN host Dean Becker for a second half hour to dissect the logic of the drug war. Dr, Tinasti also is featured in DTN's 90 minute video production: Claiming the Moral High Ground.

Dr. Khalid Tinasti, Executive Director of the Global Commission on Drug Policy of Executive Director of the Global Commission on Drug Policy
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