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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Emily Brady author of Humboldt - Life on America's Marijuana Frontier + Houston Police Chief Charles McClelland

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Century of Lies

Rob Kampia, Dir of Marijuana Policy Project, David Nichols re DMT, Dr. James Fadiman & Dr. Tom Kingsley Brown

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Century of Lies

Adam Assenberg busted for weed now running for Sheriff, Lucius Wertmiller & Deiter Hachenbach authors of "Life of Albert Hoffman", "Fred" MAPS Volunteer, Dr. Ben Sessa

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Paul Armentano of NORML re plethora of positive studies on cannabis, Ethan Nadelmann Dir of Drug Policy Alliance + Doug McVay with Drug War Facts & Abolitionists Moment

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Century of Lies

Report from DFWNORML Conf: Shawn McCalister head of DFWNORML, Keith Stoup legal counsel for NORML Natl, Terry Nelson of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition + Rob Kampia Dir of Marijuana Policy Project

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Clarence Walker reports re a judge planting drugs on a woman who chose not to be his mistress, Russ Bellville of 420 Radio, Doug McVay with Drug War Facts

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Century of Lies

Mike Hyde, father of 3 Yr old Cash Hyde who passed away with a brain tumor but benefited from medical cannabis + Judge James P. Gray visits Texas to promote end of drug war

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Dr. Carl Hart author of High Price - A Neuroscientist's Journey of Self Discover That Challenges Everything You Know About Drugs & Socieity + Terry Nelson of LEAP: "officials abuse the law to fight drugs"

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Century of Lies

600 NY doctors call for medical cannabis, NY city Mayor Bloomberg calls med cannabis a "hoax" + Bill Mahr editorial on cannabis use

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Tommy Chong visits Austin as part of national Cheech and Chong Tour + Karen Garrison of FAMM discusses racial bias in the drug war

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