Doug McVay reports: The feds release new data on drug use and the impact of drug policies, and Attorney General Eric Holder announces his resignation
Browse Programs by Month
SSDP 2014 with US Rep Earl Bleumenauer, Stacia Costner Dep Dir of SSDP, Troy Dayton founder of SSDP & Betty Aldworth Exec Dir of SSDP & Call for national rallies at US Courthouses on Dec 17, the 100 year anniversary of Drug War
Doug McVay reports: September is Recovery Month so we hear from Patrick Kennedy and ONDCP's Acting Director Michael Botticelli; the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime looks at the DEA; and Students for Sensible Drug Policy's annual conference is coming up September 25 through 29th.
Chief Joseph D. McNamara, drug reform pioneer dead at 79, DTN host Dean Becker guests on Voice of Russia and "Outlaw Dave" radio shows. DTN calls for courthouse rallies nationwide on Dec 17th the 100 year anniversary of drug war
Doug McVay reports: This week we discuss the Global Commission on Drug Policy's major new report on Pathways For Drug Policies That Work. Guest: Steve Rolles of Transform Drug Policy Foundation (UK).
DEA Special Agent Gary Hale (ret) now a fellow at James A Baker III Institute, Jag Davies of Drug Policy Alliance re Global Commission on Drugs & voices of the children of Ferguson
Doug McVay Reports: This week, we talk politics and drug policy reform: how it works, how people like you and me can make our voices heard and more than that have a real impact Ôö£├ÂÔö£├ºÔö£Ôöñ locally, nationally, and globally. Guest: Sanho Tree.
Mike Allen of End Mass Incarceration & Heather of Marijuana Policy Project, Philippe Lucas of Tilray Cannabis Co, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Chicago mom of cannabis using kid, Norm Stamper of LEAP on Colbert Report, Telegraph report of 65 Yr old cannabis user with HIV