Browse Programs by Month

Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Johann Hari, author of Chasing the Scream - The First and Last Days of the Drug War + Austin CBS report in support of medical cannabis for children

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Century of Lies

Doug McVay Reports: The Justice Department makes minor changes to federal forfeiture policy, and Washington state legislators discuss how to combine their legal medical and adult use marijuana programs.

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Greg Gladden former head of Texas ACLU, Jason Miller of Texas NORML, President Obama on "The Hill", Houston Sheriff Garcia + NBC Houston & CBD for Texas

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Century of Lies

Doug McVay: New data from the CDC on drug overdose deaths, and a conversation with UConn SSDP chapter president Tyler Williams.

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Howard Wooldridge, former cop and founding member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, Ethan Nadelmann of DPA, Houston's Mayor & police chief + Wash Post report on asset forfeiture

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Century of Lies

Doug McVay: New CDC data on alcohol overdose death rates, plus we look at the new chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Charles Grassley.

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Anthony Johnson of International Cannabis Business Conference, Jason Miller of Houston Norml re forthcoming cannabis conference in Houston, Drug Policy Alliance teleconference on national progress on legal cannabis

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Century of Lies

Doug McVay reports: National Drug Facts Week is Jan 26-Feb 1, plus we hear about drug policy reforms in Uruguay and New Zealand.

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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Jack Cole, founding member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition re police militarization & the "blue line" + Houston Police Chief Charles McClelland & report on danger of synthetic "marijuana"

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