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Century of Lies

This week on Century of Lies: Defending the Good Samaritan. Good Samaritan Laws shield people from prosecution when they call emergency services in the case of an overdose. Just because they’re shielded from being charged and convicted, does that mean they’re also shielded from being arrested?

DJ Larkin  of Canadian Drug Policy Coalition
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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Cliff Schaffer established the world's largest online library of research into the drug laws at The reason I established the site is simply because I had read some of the major research on our drug laws and I just became astounded at their stupidity.

Cliff Schaffer of
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Cultural Baggage Radio Show

Mr. Sanho Tree, international drug policy expert discusses the building objection to the US drug war developing south of our border.  Sanho's website is

Sanho Tree of Institute for Policy Studies
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Century of Lies

This week on Century of Lies: Drug War in the Amazon Basin. The Amazon basin and the tri-border region of Brazil, Colombia, and Peru have been particularly hard hit and transformed by the drug war.

Gabriel Funari of GI-TOC’s Observatory of Illicit Economies in the Amazon Basin
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