Clay Conrad author Jury Nullification, Juries have been delivering independent verdicts in the interest of justice for over 800 years, serving as the final check on government's power to pass unjust, immoral, or oppressive laws that leave citizens at the mercy of sometimes jaded or corrupt courts and legislatures.
Browse Programs by Month
This week on Century of Lies: Synthetic Drugs Part Two. We continue our coverage of the two-day meeting of UNODC’s Synthetic Drug Strategy Expert Group on January 30 and 31. Discussions focused on international integrated responses in four key areas: multilateralism, counternarcotics enforcement, early warning systems, and health responses.
This week on Century of Lies: Synthetic Drugs. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime hosted a two-day meeting of its Synthetic Drug Strategy Expert Group on January 30 and 31. Discussions focused on international integrated responses in four key areas: multilateralism, counternarcotics enforcement, early warning systems, and health responses.
Anti Fascist Views: Stephen Downing began his 20-year police career in a squad car and finished as a deputy chief of police. As Commander of the Bureau of Special Investigations at one point, the Administrative Narcotics Division was one of the divisions within his scope of authority.
Beto O'Rourke the former Congressman from Texas joins us to discuss drug war failure, mayhem and death at the border, abortion rights, LGBGTQ rights and rise of Fascism in the USA
This week on Century of Lies: Rebooting the Drug War. Congress appears determined to march farther down the road of drug war folly. On this week’s Century we look at two recent Congressional hearings.
Dr. Nathan P. Jones is an Associate Professor of Security Studies in the College of Criminal Justice at Sam Houston State University. He is the author of Mexico's Illicit Drug Networks and the State Reaction (2016) with Georgetown University Press.
This week on Century of Lies: Planet Youth. Planet Youth is a community wide approach to encourage and enable people to use data and evidence to create better, healthier environments for young people and to support healthier choices around substance use. The Scottish Drugs Forum held a webinar recently to look at the application of this approach in Scotland and the progress being made.