10/15/24 Respecting ...People Who Use Drugs

Century of Lies
Eris Nyx
Drug User Liberation Front

This week on Century of Lies: Respecting the Rights and Dignity of People Who Use Drugs. From 2020 until the arrests in 2023, the Drug User Liberation Front provided a safe supply of drugs to a small number of people who use drugs in that part of northern Abya Yala known colonially as Vancouver, BC. The drugs were sourced via the Dark Web, purity and potency tested with a mass spectrometer. DULF used a compassion club model, members were carefully screened, prices were kept low. No deaths resulted from the use of drugs obtained through DULF. Two of DULF’s organizers and public spokespeople, Eris Nyx and Jeremy Kalicum, were arrested in October 2023 and charged in May of 2024. As loyal listeners know we’ve been following this story for the last few years. On this edition of Century we hear from DULF co-founders Eris Nyx and Jeremy Kalicum and their attorneys Stephanie Dickson and Tim Dickson about the trial and a new Charter challenge that DULF has just filed, challenging section 5(2) of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and arguing that it violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms by restricting access to a safer drug supply.

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