Century of Lies Century of Lies, with 16 years on air, has more than 30 affiliate stations in the US and Canada. Running 29 minutes per episode, Century of Lies is currently produced by Doug McVay, editor of Drug War Facts.

Neill Franklin, Dir of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition + Drug War Debate Q&A, Cheech and Chong Xmas

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John Walters, former drug czar at debate at Brown Univ

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Glenn Greenwald opens debate against former Drug Czar John Walters at Brown Univ + Terry Nelson of LEAP re futility of drug war

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Dane Schiller, reporter for the Houston Chronicle re escalation of drug war in US + Radley Balko opinion in HuffPo + Neal Pearce of Wash Post re Senate fillibuster of criminal justice

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Ira Glasser, former head of ACLU speaks at drug reform conference + "Adult Users" song Eternal War

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REFORM Conf (4) with Neill Franklin Dir of LEAP, Tina Reynolds co-founder WORTH + Rick Steves PBS travel host

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Ethan Nadelmann, director of the Drug Policy Alliance helps open the International Drug Policy Reform Conference in Los Angeles before 1,300 attendees.

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Irvin Rosenfeld is supplied with 300 pre-rolled marijuana cigarettes every 28 days by the DEA, FDA and NIDA.

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Rally for National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation, with Ray Hill, Black Panther Party rep + Terry Nelson of LEAP, Mary Jane Borden and NBC Los Angeles interview with US attorney

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Debate between Asa Hutchinson the former drug czar and Ethan Nadelmann the director of the Drug Policy Alliance, held at Univ of Arkansas (Pt 2)

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