Century of Lies Century of Lies, with 16 years on air, has more than 30 affiliate stations in the US and Canada. Running 29 minutes per episode, Century of Lies is currently produced by Doug McVay, editor of Drug War Facts.

Drug Panel: Against the odds, reversing the personal and cultural impact of incarceration with Silja Talvi author Women Behind Bars & Kathleen Kane Willis, Dir Consortium On Drug Policy

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Year 2007 in review, via 4:20 Drug War News Reports

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DPA Drug Conference Panel III, Ethan Nadelmann of DPA, Deborah Chapman, Katelyn Padgett, Dr. Carl Hartt, Terry Nelson of LEAP, Drug War Facts, Matt Elrod & Drug War "Carols

Audio file

NEW ORLEANS: DPA drug conference panel with Norris Henderson, Jacquelyn Smith, Tyrone Smith, Cory Turner & Mike Jones a LEAP speaker

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Judge Jerry Paradis, LEAP speaker & CBC's Divine Vegetal: Ayahuasca

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Dr. David Bearman speaks to Wisc. Med School 2/2 + Drug War Facts

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Med Marijuana to Senior Citizens, "Flushing Kids Down the Toilet" + Drug War Facts

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Jerry Epstein, founding member of Drug Policy Forum of Texas, Drug War Facts

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Philppe Lucas, Vancouver Island Compassion Society + Drew Carey, Drug War Facts

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Phil Smith of StopTheDrugWar + Poppygate

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