Cultural Baggage Cultural Baggage is DTN's longest running broadcast program with 18 years as of October 2019. We are proud to have more than three dozen affiliate stations in the US and Canada broadcasting our 29 minutes of unvarnished truth about the failure and futility of this eternal prohibition of drugs. Produced by former cop Dean Becker at KPFT, Houston, one of the 5 Pacifica "sister" stations.

Sheriff John Urquhart of King County (Seattle) Washington in support for Houston Police Chief Charles McClellans call that drug war is a failure + Barbara Brohl Colorado Dir of Revenue & Mark Thornton of Mises Institute * CALL FOR RALLY Dec 17 at noon at YOUR courthouse - 100 Years of Prohibition is ENOUGH!

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Ray Hill, KPFT patriarch joins us in studio + NBC report on our interview of Police Chief McClellan, former Deputy Policy Chief of Los Angeles Steven Downing, Protest against US racism in Nigeria, Mathew Fogg unveils corruption that enables cops to avoid indictment

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Charles A. McClelland Jr. the Police Chief of Houston Texas joins us for the full program, describes the failure of the war on drugs.

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Washington state Rep Roger Goodman discusses failure of drug war, forthcoming WA bill to de-felonize drug crimes + Ethan Nadelmann & Former President of Mexico Zedillo on CNN + Ellen Bukstel song Who's The Pusher Now?

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Ethan Nadelmann Dir of Drug Policy Alliance: "What has the war on drugs done to the world?" + Rand Paul call for end to drug war, Jill Harris of DPA re coerced treatment + Invitation to 12/14 nationwide rally "100 Years is Enough!" + song: "Eternal War" by Adult Users

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James A.Baker III Conf.: "Is Texas Ready for Medical Marijuana?" Featuring William Martin, Ph.D., Director, Drug Policy Program, Baker Institute, Leslie Grady McAhren, Executive Director CG Corrigan, Amy Lou Fawell, President, Mothers Advocating Medical Marijuana For Autism (MAMMA, Catharine A. Neill, Ph.D., Fellow in Drug Policy, Baker Institute, Vincent Lopez, Founder, Patient Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics

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Steve Downing, LEAP speaker, former Dep Police Chief of Los Angeles + Stephen Gutwillig, Ethan Nadelmann, Peter Zuckerman, Taylor Bickford & Dr. Malik Burnett

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Kim Ogg, DA candidate for Houston/Harris County calls for smarter war on drugs + Chris Conrad, called by Federal Govt to address Schedule I classification for cannabis.

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Ed Rosenthal, author of Beyond Buds - Marijuana Extracts - Hash, Vaping, Dabbing, Edibles and Medicines + Eapen Thampy director of Forfeiture Reform & Stephanie Jones Night Life Mgr for Drug Policy Alliance

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Eric Sterling, Pres of Criminal Justice Policy Foundation, Michael Krawitz of Veterans for Medical Cannabis, Eric Holder clip, Vanita Gupta clip

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