Cultural Baggage Cultural Baggage is DTN's longest running broadcast program with 18 years as of October 2019. We are proud to have more than three dozen affiliate stations in the US and Canada broadcasting our 29 minutes of unvarnished truth about the failure and futility of this eternal prohibition of drugs. Produced by former cop Dean Becker at KPFT, Houston, one of the 5 Pacifica "sister" stations.

Norma Sapp reports on progress towards cannabis laws in OKLA + Thalia Michelle speaks to Republican seminar in Houston re cannabis for children

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Inge Fryklund former Chicago prosecutor, Jason Miller of Republicans Against Marijuana Prohibition, Doug McVay of Drug War Facts & Michelle Alexander author of The New Jim Crow

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Brian Bennett, designer of "Truth The Anti Drug War" + Obama got high before becoming Pres, Brits condemn US drug war

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Phil Smith of Stop the Drug War & host digest much of this weeks astounding drug war news about Chapo and massive moves on marijuana

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Peter Maguire author of Thai Stick - Surfers, Scammers and the Untold Story of the Marijuana Trade, reports on changing perspectives on cannabis from Texas, Wisconsin, Kansas and Oklahoma

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Neill Franklin, Exec Dir of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, Utah heroin story, is MJ ok for OK, Abolitionists Moment

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Following deaths of Pete Seeger and KPFT's Jimmy Carper, Ray Hill Pacifica patriarch and Prison Show founder visits with DTN's Dean Becker re activism and the need for drug reformers to reach beyond incremental changes

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Dr. Carl Hart, author of High Price: A Neuroscientist's Journey of Self-Discovery That Challenges Everything You Know About Drugs and Society, speaking at Texas Drug Policy Conference 1/2

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US Atty Sarah Saldano speaks to Texas Drug Policy Conf unaware of deal with Sinaloa cartel + Doug McVay re ineffective drug testing of children

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Pepe Rivera, photographer/reporter from Los Cabos Mexico re townspeople uprising against cartels and cops, Mike Allen re End Mass Incarceration participation in MLK march, Joy Strickland of Mothers Against Teen Violence re Jan 17 & 18 drug war conf in Dallas & Doug McVay report on racial disparity in drug war

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