Ray Hill, patriarch of KPFT radio re gay rights, drug war & the return of "Flower Power" & Jim McMahon, former Bears QB + ancient US marijuana PSA's (Propaganda)
Cultural Baggage is DTN's longest running broadcast program with 18 years as of October 2019. We are proud to have more than three dozen affiliate stations in the US and Canada broadcasting our 29 minutes of unvarnished truth about the failure and futility of this eternal prohibition of drugs. Produced by former cop Dean Becker at KPFT, Houston, one of the 5 Pacifica "sister" stations. |
Lynn Paltrow, Dir of Advocates for Pregnant Women, Jason Hernandez freed from life w/o parole by Obama & Lisa Marie Johnston interview & song Time Flies By (when you're getting stoned)
Kimberly Cheney, former Atty General of Vermont, Matt Simon of MPP, Dr. Stanton Peele re addiction, Mason Tvert of MPP
George Martorano, sentenced to life in prison w/o parole just got out after serving more than 32 years behind bars for cannabis + "When Cops Kill Blacks"
Best of 2015: Sheriff John Urquhart of Seattle, President Obama in Chicago, Bernie Sanders in Denver & medical marijuana in Texas
Jeff Mizanskey who served 22 years in Missouri prisons for pot possesion & Peter Christ founder of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Paul Armentano author of new book: "The Citizens Guide to State by State Marijuana Laws" + Neill Franklin Dir of LEAP, Gretchen Burns Bergman of MomsUnited.net & Bill Piper of Drug Policy Alliance
Paul Armentano author of new book: "The Citizens Guide to State by State Marijuana Laws" + Neill Franklin Dir of LEAP, Gretchen Burns Bergman of MomsUnited.net & Bill Piper of Drug Policy Alliance
2015 DPA Conf IV: Dr. Ethan Russo re cannabis medicine, research and potential medicines + Ethan Nadelmann Exec Dir of Drug Policy Alliance
2015 DPA Conf IV: Dr. Ethan Russo re cannabis medicine, research and potential medicines + Ethan Nadelmann Exec Dir of Drug Policy Alliance + Denver bible & cannabis congregation