Kim Ogg is the District Attorney of Harris County/Houston Texas. Topics include Prosecutors for Prosecutors to assist Afghan prosecutors now facing retribution from the Taliban, Texas legislature, Tuttle family murders, cops fearful of interviews, my forthcoming book: Forever Salem, much more.
Cultural Baggage is DTN's longest running broadcast program with 18 years as of October 2019. We are proud to have more than three dozen affiliate stations in the US and Canada broadcasting our 29 minutes of unvarnished truth about the failure and futility of this eternal prohibition of drugs. Produced by former cop Dean Becker at KPFT, Houston, one of the 5 Pacifica "sister" stations. |
Thomas L. Knapp is director and senior news analyst at the William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism. We discuss US and international progress on ending the drug war PLUS Howard Wooldridge is taking part in a bicycle journey across Iowa with 30,000 others wearing a shirt that says LEGALIZE HEROIN to SAVE LIVES.
Dana Larsen is one of Canada’s most well-known advocates for cannabis reform and in calling for an end to the global war on drugs.
Larsen is a Vancouver activist, author and businessman. He served ten years as editor of Cannabis Culture Magazine, was the co-founder of the Vancouver Seed Bank, and is the former Vice President of the Canadian Association of Cannabis Dispensaries. He currently serves as founding director of the Vancouver Dispensary Society and is also founder and director of Sensible BC, Canada’s largest grassroots cannabis reform organization.
For most of his professional career Roger Goodman has worked in government and politics. Roger serves a a Washington State Representative. Washinton state recently reinstallled new drug laws that are already failing. Roger has served for many years as Chair of the House Public Safety Committee, with jurisdiction over the state’s criminal justice system.
Diane Goldstein is a retired police Lieutenant now serving as the Executive Director of Law Enforcement Action Partnership, formerly known as Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. She runs a global effort to educate and embolden police, prosecutors, legislators, judges and the general public to the horrible truth, the abysmal failure of the war on drugs.
Dr. Khalid Tinasti, Exec Dir of Global Commission on Drugs participates in video production of Seeking The Moral High Ground.
Chris Bennett has been researching the historical role of cannabis in the spiritual life of humanity for more than a three decades. Chris is author of the great new book: Cannabis - Lost Sacrament of the Ancientt World. Its psychoactive properties have also long been known by humanity, and ancient man attributed a supernatural force behind such effects.
Lucas Wiessing Chief scientist for the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, a few words from Dr. Christoph Buerki, the designer of the decades old and very successful Swiss heroin injection program and we hear from Portugal's Drug Czar Dr. Joao Goulao. + Neill Franklin, former Exec Dir of LEAP.
Timothy King is a senior policy fellow with Clergy for a New Drug Policy. Topics run the gamut from overdoses in the USA to free and legal government supplied cocaine.
Cliff Schaffer established the world's largest online library of research into the drug laws at He has been a teacher, mentor to hundreds of drug reform advocates over the decades.