Cultural Baggage Cultural Baggage is DTN's longest running broadcast program with 18 years as of October 2019. We are proud to have more than three dozen affiliate stations in the US and Canada broadcasting our 29 minutes of unvarnished truth about the failure and futility of this eternal prohibition of drugs. Produced by former cop Dean Becker at KPFT, Houston, one of the 5 Pacifica "sister" stations.

Baby Bou Bou has stun grenade explode on pillow, with Atty Mawuli Mel Davis, mother Alecia Phonesavanh, activist Marcus Coleman + DPA conference on Colo weed sales w/ Art Way and Tony Ryan

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Marijuana Helps Vets with PTSD at James A Baker III seminar with Ambassador Edward Djerejian, Texas Monthly Editor Brian Sweany, Prof William Martin and Dr. Neeraj Shah

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Russell Webb, Houston attorney re justice system in Houston, Kim Ogg Cand for DA of Houston, Mason Tvert of Marijuana Policy Project efforts in Texas, Boston report on butane explosion

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Sharda Sakaran re drug war's failure to protect the children, Tony Newman re Maureen Dowds marijuana "hallucianation", Rick Doblin discusses passing of Sasha Shulgin

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After US House vote on medical marijuana, Teleconference with Members of Congress, Medical Marijuana Patients and Advocates. Featuring Congressman Sam Farr Lead Sponsor, Steve Cohen Co-Sponsor, Barbara Lee Co-Sponsor

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Prof William Martin of James Baker III Institute re his new Texas Monthly article War Without End re our Vets, PTSD and Med marijuana + Dr. Sunil Agerwal joining NIH, Alison Myrden speech to Canada's Parliament.

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Debbie Wilson, 25 year head injury vastly improved via cannabis, Aaron Justiss Pres of Buds & Roses, Philippe Lucas of Canada's Tilray, cannabis providers & Nick Palmer Australias former head of Fed Police Force

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Michael Skolnik, political director for Russell Simmons + Cannabis Therapeutics report with Alice O'Leary Randall, Jodi James, Dr. Robert Melamede and Tristan Risevor of M.A.M.A. & KPOV radio

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DPA Conference: Steven Gutwillig of Drug Policy Alliance, David Borden of Stop The Drug War, Brandon of Cranfords Cannabis Cigarettes, Sam Salzazar of Marijuana 411, Shiloh Murphy of Peoples Harm Reduction Alliance. May Day: US Rep Sheilah Jackson Lee

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Eapen Thampy of Americans for Forfeiture Reform, Philip Martin of Progress for Texas, AG Eric Holder, CBS report on MJ edibles, FOX report of Reefer Madness, Grover Norquist for small tax on cannabis.

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