Cultural Baggage Cultural Baggage is DTN's longest running broadcast program with 18 years as of October 2019. We are proud to have more than three dozen affiliate stations in the US and Canada broadcasting our 29 minutes of unvarnished truth about the failure and futility of this eternal prohibition of drugs. Produced by former cop Dean Becker at KPFT, Houston, one of the 5 Pacifica "sister" stations.

Mike Allen of End Mass Incarceration & Heather of Marijuana Policy Project, Philippe Lucas of Tilray Cannabis Co, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Chicago mom of cannabis using kid, Norm Stamper of LEAP on Colbert Report, Telegraph report of 65 Yr old cannabis user with HIV

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Marc Emery released from US prison earlier this month talks about his time behind bars, appreciation of being free and time with his wife Jodie & plans for the future + Doug McVay report on cannabis reducing OD's on hard drugs

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Chris Goldstein re forthcoming new mag to help end war on weed + Diane Goldstein re article tying drug war to police overkill Plus Houston DA Candidate to stop wasting dollars on drug arrests

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Russell M. Webb, Houston Attorney addresses failing of criminal justice system + NBC reports on warrior cops and unanimous endorsement of weed laws by Texas sheriffs, Norm Stamper speaks in support of my book "To End The War On Drugs" in Wash DC & "This Is What Happens When You Call The Cops"

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Phil Smith, reporter for re forthcoming votes on drug laws + Eric Sterling of CJPF, Carl Veley of DPFT and Jake Agliata of SSDP speak in Wash DC in support of book: To End The War On Drugs - Policmakers Edition

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Rep. Beto O'Rourke, LEAP Director Neill Franklin & Bill Piper Director Natl. Affairs for Drug Policy Alliance speak in US House Bldg in support of To End The War On Drugs: Summer Reading Assignment for US Officials + Marc Emery & MSNBC Report on call for legal weed

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Rep. Beto O'Rourke stands with DTN host for D.C. press conference: To End The War On Drugs + Houston DA candidate calls for end of pot arrests, no jail, no bail, no record

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Judge James P. Gray, 2012 VP candidate for Libertarian party + David Borden, Dir of

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Neill Franklin Dir of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, Steph Sherere of Americans for Safe Access & former Chicago prosecutor James Gierach

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James A. Baker III Conference on Med Cannabis for veterans II with Maj. David Bass & Tx Senator Joan Huffman + Howard Wooldridge of LEAP re progress in ending drug war & Summer Reading Assignment for all US officials

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