Cultural Baggage Cultural Baggage is DTN's longest running broadcast program with 18 years as of October 2019. We are proud to have more than three dozen affiliate stations in the US and Canada broadcasting our 29 minutes of unvarnished truth about the failure and futility of this eternal prohibition of drugs. Produced by former cop Dean Becker at KPFT, Houston, one of the 5 Pacifica "sister" stations.

Philppe Lucas, Dir of Vancouver Island Compassion Society discusses recent UNODC gathering of NGO representatives + Winston Francis with "Official Government Truth", Doug Mcvay with Drug War Facts & Poppygate Report from Glenn Greenway.

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Paul Armentano, Dep. Dir. of NORML discusses news of "powerful" marijuana, positive scientific studies, corporate media's continued reefer madness + Cliff Schaffer editor of Marijuana Businnes News & Poppygate Report from Glenn Greenway

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Patrick McCann, President of Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association on his recent Op-Ed in the Houston Chronicle regarding jailing of mentally ill, prosecution of minor drug offenses, crime lab fiasco, second chances for first time offenders and the death penalty.

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Mike Gray, author of Drug Crazy and Chairman of Common Sense for Drug Policy discusses his forthcoming video: "Clergy Against the War on Drugs" + Charles Thomas of Interfaith Drug Policy Initiative & Poppygate, Official Government Truth.

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In memory of Judge Eleanor Schockett who passed from this Earth on Jan 12, 2007. Judge Schockett was a member of the board of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. Joining us is Peter Christ a founding member of LEAP.

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Alison Chinn Holcomb of ACLU of Washington Foundation discusses marijuana laws + Report on cadmium poisoning of federal prisoners with Karen Garrison whose son Lawrence was exposed plus Paul Wright, publisher of Prison Legal News.

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Matt Elrod discusses DTN's new website, drug policy reform, segment from Drug Policy panel with Carol Shipiro of Family Justice & Suzanne Mayo of Kansas State + Drug War Facts & Poppygate Report

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Roger Goodman, Wash State Rep + Poppygate & Corrupt Cop Story

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Year 2007 in review, via 4:20 Drug War News Reports 2/2

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Bob Doran, reporter for North Coast Journal, LEAP member Judge Jerry Paradis, PTSD story from ABC, Bruce Mirken of MPP

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