Cultural Baggage Cultural Baggage is DTN's longest running broadcast program with 18 years as of October 2019. We are proud to have more than three dozen affiliate stations in the US and Canada broadcasting our 29 minutes of unvarnished truth about the failure and futility of this eternal prohibition of drugs. Produced by former cop Dean Becker at KPFT, Houston, one of the 5 Pacifica "sister" stations.

DPA Conference IV: Donnie Wirtschafter Ohio Atty, David McKinney of FlaCan, Diane Goldstein winner of DPA's Spier Award, Jeff Malansky who served 23+ years for weed, Heather Fazio of Texas MPP & Neill Franklin Dir of Law Enforcement Action Partnership + Steve Rolles UK reformer & Dr. Sanjay Gupta courtesty CNN & Congressman Blumenaur re opiate crisis

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Drug Policy Alliance Conference: Neal Woods author of Good Cop Bad War and Dir of LEAP UK, Andre Hirsh & Maya Odarian of Caravan for Peace, Rick Steves of PBS fame,Sarah Gale of Zendo Project, Mike Margolis of Psymposia, Richard Van Wicker of LEAP US, Tony Poppa of DPA & Ira Glasser former head of ACLU

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PLEDGE DRIVE SHOW - Cannabis Conference III: Dylan Wilkes of Orange Phototonics, Benjamin Landaverde of OG Cannabis Ins, Chris Farrel of Scientific Inhalations, Brian Whitaker of Axiom Designs, Troy Dayton Pres of Arcview Group +++ Doug McVay segments with Oregon State Senator Lew Frederick about racial profiling, criminal justice, drug policy reform, and Oregon's House Bill 2355 which passed earlier this year.

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Cannabis Conference III: Dylan Wilkes of Orange Phototonics, Benjamin Landaverde of OG Cannabis Ins, Chris Farrel of Scientific Inhalations, Brian Whitaker of Axiom Designs, Troy Dayton Pres of Arcview Group +++ Doug McVay segments with Oregon State Senator Lew Frederick about racial profiling, criminal justice, drug policy reform, and Oregon's House Bill 2355 which passed earlier this year.

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California Cannabis Conference: Nicole Webber of Nug Digital, Dana Cisnero Cannabis Atty, Johnathan Heiniemi of ShieldNSeal, Martin Kaufman of Grasshopper Vending, Jigness Padhiyar of Matchmaker420, John Huusfeldt of Sunbelt Realty, Fadi Yushruti of RootScience, Swami Chaitanya +++ In the second half Doug McVay focuses on human rights and the drug war. We hear from Zaved Mahmoud with the UN's Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and from Christine Brautigam with UN Women, plus John Fisher addresses the UN Human Rights Council about human rights abuses in the Philippines.

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California Cannabis Business Conference: Andrew DeAngelo of Harborside Health, Ellen Komp of CANORML, Mathew Vera Acct, Steve Brown Evio Labs,Robert Chavez Seed to Sale, Michael Tesoro Search, Yaro Cluber Lucerne Realty, Brian Herman 3 A Light, Michael Heron Amercanex, Thomas Dorsey MJ Pkg, Ketch & Andy Elias Quicksilver - From Anaheim

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Reports from Canada re July 2018 efforts to "legalize" cannabis featuring Kevin Sabet from Smart Approaches, Canadian activists Dana Larsen, Marc Emery & Jodie Emery + Doug McVay DTN reporter co-hosts Elinore McCance-Katz, MD, Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use in the Department of Health and Human Services; Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

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Reports from Canada re July 2018 efforts to "legalize" cannabis featuring Kevin Sabet from Smart Approaches, Canadian activists Dana Larsen, Marc Emery & Jodie Emery + Doug McVay DTN reporter re US Feds release the results of the annual National Survey on Drug Use and Health, Senator Orrin Hatch introduces a bill for pharmaceutical research on marijuana, and the Justice Department digs in its heels in opposing marijuana law reform.

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Paul Butler, former Fed prosecutor & author of Choke Hold (Policing Black Men), Jodie Emery Canada's Princess of Pot + Matt Elrod & Philippe Lucas on CA "legalization", Derrick Rosenfeld of DPA re deadly drug war games online & in Philippines

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Maia Szalavitz, journalist/author/drug reformer, Corey Mendes busted during Harvey, Andrea Wimberly Tx cannabis patient, Julie Ann Genter NZ MP, Texas Atty Clay Conrad on jury nullification, loss of rights

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