Jerry Epstein, Pres of the Drug Policy Forum of Texas + Denise Cullen of Broken-No-More re children's overdose prevention
Cultural Baggage is DTN's longest running broadcast program with 18 years as of October 2019. We are proud to have more than three dozen affiliate stations in the US and Canada broadcasting our 29 minutes of unvarnished truth about the failure and futility of this eternal prohibition of drugs. Produced by former cop Dean Becker at KPFT, Houston, one of the 5 Pacifica "sister" stations. |
Adam Assenberg's hearing set for Feb 3, Mary Jane Bornden re US prison population, Terry Nelson of LEAP re widespread impunity for rich in drug war, Jack Cole Dir of LEAP + Abolitionist Moment
Pat Lykos the District Attorney of Houston/Harris county + Mary Jane Borden of Drug War Facts, Daniel Robelo of Drug Policy Alliance & "Jesus was a felon" demo cut
Dr. Kevin Sabet, formerly with ONDCP debates Mason Tvert of Colorado's SAFER on David Sirota show + Utah bust = "officers down"
US Rep Ron Paul discusses the drug war + tribute to Gatewood Galbrath "Last Free Man in America"
DTN 10 Years: Siobahn Reynolds, Ethan Nadelmann, Dr. Geoffrey Guy, Rep. Dan Burton, Editorial, Tommy Chong, Dr. Donald Tashkin & Atty Tony Serra
DTN Best of 2011: Froma Harrop, Robert Platshorn, Pamela Constable, DTN Editorial, Steven De Angelo, Sandy Moriarty, Cliff Shaffer, Charles Minn, Dr. Tom O'Connel
Joy Strickland, Dir of Mothers Against Teen Violence re Jan 11-13 drug conference in Texas + Project Imagin*tion, Neal Peirce OpEd & appeal to US Rep Ted Poe
Russell Jones, LEAP speaker, author of "Honorable Intentions" + ABC report on dispensary Xmas toy drive & CNN report on DEA laundering money for Mex cartels
Jeffrey Dhywood, author of World War D - The Case Against Prohibitionism, A Roadmap to Controlled Re-Legalization + NY Times: " DEA launders mexico cartel drug money"