Remembering Tom Croslin and Rollie Rohm, gunned down at Rainbow Farm a week before 9/11 for their beliefs w/ reporter Steve Wishnia, Rev. Steven B. Thompson, Atty Matt Abel, Melody Karr and "Nikki" + MJ Borden: Does drug war = war of terror? & DTN Editorial: "What is Benefit of Drug War?"
Cultural Baggage is DTN's longest running broadcast program with 18 years as of October 2019. We are proud to have more than three dozen affiliate stations in the US and Canada broadcasting our 29 minutes of unvarnished truth about the failure and futility of this eternal prohibition of drugs. Produced by former cop Dean Becker at KPFT, Houston, one of the 5 Pacifica "sister" stations. |
From Oaksterdam California, interviews with a dozen cannabis industry vendors + Mary Jane Borden with Drug War Facts
Oaksterdam Cannabis Street Fair I with Richard Lee, Debbie Goldsberry, Steven De Angelo, Dr. Michael Aldrich, Michelle Aldrich, Steve Bloom, Marsha Rosenbaum & Mary Jane Borden
John Delany a working Texas judge speaks for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition + Dale Jones of Oaksterdam Univ re forthcoming marijuana street fair & Tim Beck re supreme court ruling and busts in Michigan
Nurse Mary Lynn Mathre of Patients Out of Time, Steven Colbert disses drug reformers, Terry Nelson of LEAP & Drew Bairnsfather of Christians Against Prohibition
Matt Elrod of DrugSense re Canada's "progress" toward US style drug laws + Terry Nelson of LEAP & Mario Canseco of Angus-Reid polling organization re 55% of Americans in favor of legal weed
Christian Parenti, author Tropic of Chaos - Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence + DTN Editorial
Terry Nelson of LEAP on the abject failure of drug war + Houston Chronicle: "Cartel Money Market"
Annette Fuentes, author "Lockdown High - When the Schoolhouse Becomes a Jailhouse" + Pres Obama says "no" to ending the drug war
John Gibler author "To Die in Mexico - Dispatches from Inside the Drug War" + Terry Nelson of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition & "Ode" to the drug czar