Leigh Maddox, Asst States Atty & former Baltimore Police Captain + Mary Jane Borden re Swiss "Needle Park" rumors + DTN Editorial 1
Cultural Baggage is DTN's longest running broadcast program with 18 years as of October 2019. We are proud to have more than three dozen affiliate stations in the US and Canada broadcasting our 29 minutes of unvarnished truth about the failure and futility of this eternal prohibition of drugs. Produced by former cop Dean Becker at KPFT, Houston, one of the 5 Pacifica "sister" stations. |
Peter Ferentzy author of "Dealing With Addiction -Why the 20th Century Was Wrong" + Dr. Joel Hochman & Cliff Schaffer of DrugLibrary.org
Eapen Thampy, Dir Americans for Forfeiture Reform, artist Lindy author of "No Knock Raid" + Terry Nelson of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
LEAP Conference on 40 years of drug war, with Neill Franklin, Director, Terry Nelson, Eric Sterling, Leigh Maddox + Drug War Facts w/Mary Jane Borden
Peter Moskos, former Baltimore cop, author of "In Defense of Flogging" + Mary Jane Borden with Drug War Facts & Michelle Alexander, author "New Jim Crow"
Molly Molloy & Charles Bowden editors of "El Sicario - The Autobiography of a Mexican Assassin"
Richard Lee, President of Oaksterdam Marijuana University re forthcoming effort to legalize in Calif + Adam Assenberg, busted in Wash state for providing MJ to crooked narc + DTN Editorial "Face The Inquisition"
Dr. Robert Melamede, Pres of Cannabis Science on homeostasis of marijuana plant on the human condition + Fox report on CPS drugging 3 year old of parents who tested positive for drugs
Cliff Thornton, Dir of Efficacy-Online re disparity in drug war + Terry Nelson of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
Joy Strickland, Dir of Mothers Against Teen Violence at DPA partners Conf in Denver, Ethan Nadelmann Dir of Drug Policy Alliance + "Incarcerex"