Cultural Baggage Cultural Baggage is DTN's longest running broadcast program with 18 years as of October 2019. We are proud to have more than three dozen affiliate stations in the US and Canada broadcasting our 29 minutes of unvarnished truth about the failure and futility of this eternal prohibition of drugs. Produced by former cop Dean Becker at KPFT, Houston, one of the 5 Pacifica "sister" stations.

Kathy Staudt UT El Paso professor re situ in Mexico, Joy Strickland founder Mothers Against Teen Violence & Mary Jane Borden with Drug War Facts

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Neill Franklin, Dir of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, Daniel Robello of DPA re horrors of Mexican drug war + Mary Jane Borden with Drug War Facts "What is harm reduction?"

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Dick Carpenter of the Institute for Justice, co-author of "Forfeiting Justice" & Grant Smith of Drug Policy Alliance re prohibition of K2 or "Spice" + Aboltionist Moment

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Harm Reduction I: Alan Clear Dir of HRC, Alexandra Goldman - San Francisco Drug Users Union, "Taz" Afghan reformer, A.T. Martin - Project NEON, Russ Jones - LEAP, Denise Drayton - Exponents & Kyle Hauser - Haight Ashbury youth counselor

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Seattle Journalist Brendan Kiley: "the Cocaine Trade" + Kara Gotsch from the Sentencing Project & Mary Jane Borden with Drug War Facts & 30 second "Drug War Addicts"

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Jerry Epstein of Drug Policy Forum of Texas re Lancet report on alcohol as most dangerous drug + Ethan Nadelmann on Prop 19 & Mary Jane Borden: "US Prison Population" & DTN Editorial & "Time to Lock Up Willie"

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John Nova Lomax, reporter for the Houston Press + Mary Jane Borden asks: "Does use of marijuana help with breast cancer?"

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NAACP Conference re racial bigotry in drug war, with Dr. Joycely Elders, actor Danny Glover, Prop 19 funder Richard Lee, Steven Gutwillig of DPA and Alice Huffman Dir Calif NAACP

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Terrance Poppa, author of Drug Lord, a true story + Phil Smith's take on AG Holders stance on legalization of cannabis in Calif & Howard Wooldridge, last report from Calif where he's riding his horse Misty in support of Prop 19

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Hanna Liebman Dershowitz co-chair of the Prop 19 Legal Subcommittee on why legalization will better protect children + Mary Jane Borden answers questions about the drug war

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