Celebration of the life of Dr. Tod Mikuriya with interview segments from the good doctor as well as thoughts and remembrances of his sister Beverly and his friends Michael and Michelle Aldrich and DrugSense's Richard Lake.
Cultural Baggage is DTN's longest running broadcast program with 18 years as of October 2019. We are proud to have more than three dozen affiliate stations in the US and Canada broadcasting our 29 minutes of unvarnished truth about the failure and futility of this eternal prohibition of drugs. Produced by former cop Dean Becker at KPFT, Houston, one of the 5 Pacifica "sister" stations. |
Dr. Donald R. Vereen of HHS/NIDA Pt2 + Poppygate, Terry Nelson of LEAP, Drug War Facts
Bruce Mirken of Marijuana Policy Project + Dr. Rick Doblin of Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies & Terry Nelson of LEAP, Poppygate, Drug War Facts & CBS4 Denver: "New Marijuana Law Forces Judge to Quit"
Nora Callahan of November Coalition + Terry Evans & Bruce Mirken of MPP & Tinfoil Hat Award
Phil Smith of Stop The Drug War reports on recent trip to Peru and Bolivia, Atty Joe Alford, + Terry Nelson of LEAP, Drug War Facts , & Black Perspective
LEAP member Tony Ryan: "End The War on Drugs", +Terry Nelson of LEAP, Official Govt Truth, Poppygate & Drug War Facts
Jack Cole, Director Law Enforcement Against Prohibition + Mark Mauer of Sentencing Project & Poppygate & "Tora Bora on my Mind"
Ed Rosenthal & medical marijuana persecuted... Again + Brian C. Bennett
PANEL: Are we winning the war on drugs? with Stan Furce of HIDTA/ONDCP, Marcia Baker of Phoenix House & DTN/LEAP member Dean Becker + Terry Nelson of LEAP, Official Govt. Truth, Black Perspective