Ethan Nadelmann, founder of Drug Policy Alliance premiers new podcast: PSYCHOACTIVE on I Heart and other outlets. Ethan and DTN host Becker discuss the podcast, overdose deaths, new US Drug Czar and much more. (5:02)
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Becker's Buds, the Conscientious Objectors to Drug War video series is designed to educate, enlighten and embolden the viewer to realize the utter futility and actual destruction created through belief in drug prohibition. We interview those in the know, politicians, doctors, judges, prosecutors, cops, coroners, Christians and hundreds more. Your host Dean Becker proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that the drug was is racist, stupid, immoral and without any benefit to you, your neighborhood or our nation. |
Conscientious Objector: Kassandra Frederique*DTN host Dean Becker and DPA's Kassandra Frederique discuss racism, legalization and claiming the moral high ground in the drug war. (8:30)
Organization: Drug Policy Alliance
Roger Goodman is a Washington State Representative, Chair of their House Public Safety Committee 7:00 Video from Cultural Baggage radio program.
Organization: Washington State Representative
Former President of Switzerland and founder of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, Ruth Dreifuss discusses failure of drug war, part of half hour discussion available from Cultural Baggage from the Drug Truth Network. 12:00
Organization: Global Commission on Drug Policy
Carl Hart is a professor of neuroscience and psychology at Columbia University. Dr. Hart joins us for the half hour to discuss his newest book: Drug Use for Grown Ups - Chasing Liberty in the Land of Fear. Hart is known for his research in drug abuse and drug addiction. Hart was the first tenured African American professor of sciences at Columbia University. Video: 7:07