Century of Lies Moral High Ground is a one hour examination of the horrific failure of drug prohibition. Features in depth interviews with experts in law enforcement, medicine, reform, treatment and international involvement. Every day of the week, we prove the drug war is controlled by devious criminals. Moral High Ground programs are also trimmed to a 29:00 length and then issued as a separate half hour programs titled Cultural Baggage

Howard Wooldridge the former cop and famous long rider just returned from Switzerland.  The Swiss have injected more than 20,000,000 doses of pure heroin with zero overdoses.  Howard met with the HAT administrator Dr. Anna Rickli in Bern.  Howard shares this information when returns to the US as a lobbyist for legalization within the halls of the US Congress.

Howard Wooldridge
Howard Wooldridge, Citizens Opposing Prohibition
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DTN takes a look back thru time:  2019 with Australian Dr. Alex Wodak, 2020 with Major Neill Franklin of LEAP & 2021 with DTN host Beckers speech at the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Abuse in Lisbon Portugal.

Outside EMCDDA
DTN 23rd Anniversary, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Abuse
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DTN 23rd Anniversary Special. Featuring 17 guests:  Dr. Al Robison, DA Terrence Hallinan, Dr.

Claiming the Moral High Ground
17 Guests, Drug Truth Network
Audio file

John Urquhart is a former Sheriff of Seattle, King County, Washington state. He is one of a small handful of Law Enforcement Officers who dared to visit us here on DTN while still wearing a badge.

 John Urquhart is a former Sheriff of Seattle
John Urquhart is a former Sheriff of Seattle
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James Polin Gray  was the presiding judge of the Superior Court of Orange County, California. Gray was the 2012 Libertarian Party vice presidential nominee, as well as the party's 2004 candidate for the United States Senate in California. His author of Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed and What We Can Do About It.  Judge Gray is the oldest surviving guest on Drug Truth Radio.

Judge James P. Gray
Judge James P. Gray
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Chris Conrad is a well known author, consultant, public speaker, cannabis expert witness, museum curator and internationally respected authority on cannabis, industrial hemp, medical 

Chris Conrad
Chris Conrad
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Director of Drug Use Initiatives at Vital Strategies

Dr. Daliah Heller’s research interests include urban health policy, criminal justice, community-oriented healthcare, and drug use epidemiology and interventions.

Dr. Daliah Heller
Dr. Daliah Heller, Vital Strategies
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Clay Conrad author of Jury Nullification joins DTN host Becker to discuss the obvious and glaring need for actual control, not the supposed DEA manifesto of failure.

Clay Conrad
Atty Clay Conrad, Looney, Smith & Conrad
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Phillip Smith is a senior writing fellow and the editor and chief correspondent of Drug Reporter, a project of the Independent Media Institute. He has been a drug policy journalist for the past two decades.

Phillip Smith Reporter
Phillip Smith Reporter, Stop the Drug War
Audio file

Roger Goodman has worked for decades to change drug laws. He has worked in government and politics. Before his election to the Legislature in 2006, Roger had already served as senior staff in the United States Congress in Washington, D.C., and here in Washington State he had served as a state agency director.

 Representative Roger Goodman
Representative Roger Goodman, Washinton State Representative
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